Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday morning ...

and I'm running behind per normal! LOL Couldn't get myself going good this morning, seem to be dragging about 10 steps behind. I really need to take a day off and organize, clean house and just give myself a mental break. I think they call those mental health days. Can anyone tell me how to sign up for one... or two... maybe three ..... hehe

Ollie's team was supposed to play the same team we played on Sunday again this Friday night at their rink. Their organization cancelled the game and suspended four of their players because of the way they acted on the ice (and in the locker room afterwards) on Sunday. I'm glad to see that organization taking control and not letting the kids get away with it. You don't see that very often that an organization will suspend it's own players for bad behavior.
Someone asked to see pictures of the hockey, here is a wallpaper I did for this month that have two pictures of Ollie taken with our new professional lens. Hubby is getting better and better each week and before the end of the week I'll show you some newer ones.

Also, did you know we have SIX fur-babies (also known as cats) in our house? They are all adopted from a local rescue organization. I'd like to do a kit for them and donate the proceeds to the organization. I should get to work on that! Here is a layout showing some pictures that were taken last January. I keep the cat pictures in folders by month. This was a fun way to sort of recap a month. I should do layouts like this per hockey game too.

I have tons of work backlogged on my desk and need to get busy. I might try to check in laters, but just in case I don't get here ... here is today's gift.

Sorry, this link has expired



Anonymous said...

Hey Georgia...Great photos of your son playing hockey...Great action shots.....Yep..it is Great that that org...saw a problem and proceded to straighten it out....They need to do that in professional sports also.....Loved your Meow Furbabies pix....They are all Darling....Thanks for todays Gift...Very much appreciated Dear....Grammadiane

Jen said...

Great pictures! Ok, a couple more questions for you...although they don't apply to desiging :) What kind of camera do you use? And you mentioned professional lenses...what does your husband shoot with for those great sports shots?

I REALLY like your January layout. I have found myself - when I got a chance to scrap - just doing a month layout to save time. Always hard to decide which pictures to use though. :) I also like your calander on your wallpaper. I need to go check those out in the store ;)

Thanks for the goodies!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Great kit! You have a tortie so do I. Her name is Iris and she is a pastel tortie her black is charcoal gray and her orange is a lovely beige. I got her from the Humane Center about 8 years ago. She chose me and is my sweet love and back warmer. Suzanne

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

TY so very much for part 3!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

Beautiful Furbabies!! Thank you for today's part!!

Unknown said...

Love the photos of your son but especially love the kitty layout!!! I'm a "crazy cat lady" ... I'm a breeder and show person and cat lover of many years. I'd be waiting with mouse-baited breath (ewww!) for you to do a kitty themed kit!
I belong to cat club that does a show every year in Nov and love to use tons of artwork to decorate the show catalog and signs that we need to make (with permission of course). Our club donates thousands of $ to local rescue and research, so I absolutely support your idea.
Our website is www.westchester-feline.org if you want to check it out!