Friday, June 20, 2008


Woohoooo this girlie is glad it's Friday! Yesterday was awful (translate boss had me crying at my desk for over an hour... WOW I haven't had a boss make me cry in many many years... what's up with that????) and I'm glad to be on a nice fresh day with the sun out and knowing the weekend is ahead.

I want to thank all of you for the wonderful comments about my daughter's layout and stone. Carolyn, I'm so glad it inspired you to scrap your precious angel. Please let me know if I can help. Actually send me a PM with some details and maybe I'll put together a special kit for your angel. Ok?

Someone asked about Myrtle Beach and the Pavilion. They moved most of the Pavilion rides out to Broadway on the Beach and now are building condos where the old Pavilion was. I wouldn't be surprised if they are all built and open when we get down there.

I'm still working on the preview for Freedom Rings and the description, etc. I never realized when I started designing how much work getting the actual kit together was. The design part is the easiest part... believe me!

Don't forget there is still a coupon you can use in my store between now and Sunday night ....

Use Coupon Code GLO_BlogSpec_189 for 25% off your order in my store between today and Sunday, June 23rd.
I have to get back to work, but I'll check back in later if I get a chance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh I too am glad its the weekend.....Although things just have NOT quieted down here yet...Daughter and hubby still fighting off the flood waters....I haven't been around very much and probably won't for a little while longer...Have a terrific weekend Georgia.....Sending Hugs...