Saturday, May 31, 2008

Well, the weather has NOT cooperated for us to go to the Bronx Zoo today. So, we did have a change of plans and will be going to the Aquarium in Mystic, CT. That is about a three hour drive from home. I have most of the IMPORTANT electronics charged up and ready to go ... the portable DVD player for Michaela, the cameraS, and MY portable CD player along with my earphones! This way, I can listen to my music privately, Michael can have the car radio or CD going, and Michaela can watch a movie during our drive.

I do not have a lot of time to blog, but wanted to show you my IRIS'S. I am NOT always the best of gardeners, but I did learn a lot from my (soon-to-be ex)hubby. I have had some problems with my iris's blooming, but a coworker told me they do NOT bloom each and every year. Of course, THAT was news to me. Yesterday, as I was looking around my backyard, I discovered a beautiful yellow flower that had bloomed.

This morning, while pouring my first cup of coffee, I looked out the window and saw LOTS AND LOTS of beautiful flowers. Of course, I had to grab the camera!

Now, I am thinking that I MUST make some brushes and design a kit around these beauties!!!!!!

I want to share one more photo with you. A few years ago, my best friend Pam gave me a teeny "stalk" of a piece of clematis. I planted it near my mailbox, and EACH year for about 3 years, I thought it was DEAD, and was surprised when a few flowers began to appear the third year. Well, this is my "almost dead" clematis, about 5 years after first being planted. I simply LOVE it!

Now I MUST be off for a day of fun!

I had a fantastic time sharing a bit of my life with you this week. Hope to see you in June, too.

Here is your FREEBIE for the day. ENJOY!



Anonymous said...

OMG...Your Iris's and Clematis are just beautiful....Your clematis is similar to the one I have.....Have a GR8 time at the aquarium...Thats one of my fav things to do....Have a wonderful Weekend and thank U for the Beautiful freebie...Hugs Hon

Robbi and Mike said...

Wow, bet you were surprized. Your Iris are gorgeous and I love the clementis - I wonder if it would grow here in the Desert - I may check at the nursery. Have a great trip today. TTYT and thanks for the gift :)

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your pictures of them :-) Thank you for the freebie as well :-)

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are really gorgeous! A kit designed around your irises would be wonderful. Hope you have a wonderful day at the aquarium. That's one of my favorite places to go. Thank you so much for the beautiful freebie. This kit is awesome! I'm still kicking myself for missing the second day!!!