Friday, January 18, 2008

It's Finally Friday!

I don't know about you, but I didn't think Friday would ever get here this week! Most weeks fly right past me, but this one seemed to drag by for me. Probably since I spent most of the week at home and I am use to only having one day a week that I am at home. Between Drew's behavior problems at school earlier this week (wow doesn't even seem like the same week), and then the sickies the kiddos seem to be sharing, before today I was only out of the house a short time Monday and then yesterday to take Drew to his swimming lesson. I think I might treat myself tomorrow morning to some shopping time by myself tomorrow morning ;)

Before I ramble about what has been happening around my house, I want to remind you all again about the "Template 2 Treasure" crop tonight at 9pm EST! Cheryl is featuring her "Open Meadow" kit which is available for 25% off until midnight tonight. And for just attending the crop, you will receive a brand new template to create your layout for the challenge. Once you have completed that layout, you will receive another template as a posting bonus. OR, if you create a layout with the template AND the "Open Meadow" you will receive the posting bonus template AND the "Open Meadow Bragbook Album" for FREE!!! Your layouts for this challenge must be posted HERE by midnight EST Thursday, January 24th. Og, but wait...there's MORE (lol - do I sound like an info-mercial here ;) )...
anyone posting pics of their completed "Open Meadows Album" (including at least 1 photo of the completed album actually put together in album form, showing how you bound it together and any added glitz, such as ribbons, buttons, etc. - making it a completed altered project) gets another brand new brag book album FREE made from one of Cheryl's other kits. You'll have until February 7th at midnight (the night before the next "Template 2 Treasure" crop) to complete your altered album project in order to receive your 2nd album free. Post your photos in the Template 2 Treasure Gallery. Let's get creative and see what we can come up with!!
Ok, now a little about my past 24-hours :)
Last night just added to the length of the week for me. A little before 5pm last night, Drew came down with the stomach flu. Yucky! I thought we were all past that junk since it went through our family the week before Christmas, but it looks like it might be revisiting us. *cringe* Thankfully around midnight he was finally feeling good enough to get some sleep. Now we are just holding our breath to see when the rest of us come down with the junk Drew had last night! Then Zach woke up about 4:30am this morning struggling to breath. Looks like the poor kid has croup again (he has had this at least 3 times before in his 14 months in this world). So he and I spent some time outside breathing in the COLD (less than 20 degrees F) air trying to get his airway to relax and then also some time in the bathroom with the hot shower going to breath in some steam. Thankfully about 6am it had relaxed enough that he could get back to sleep. Of course, since Drew was feeling so much better he came bouncing in around 8am to wake us back up. But that was good so I could call the doctor to get Zach in. She put him on steriods for 5 days to help him get over this junk hopefully. And of course during the fun even I had with the sick kids, my hubby missed most of it since he had his annual shareholder meeting at work and didn't get home until pretty late.

Anyway...I guess I need to go look at getting dinner started. I think we will have enchillada's since that is a pretty easy meal and one we haven't had for awhile. Talk to you all tomorrow - which should be your last day for a little while of listening to me ramble. *big cheer goes up* ;) We should have a guest hostess for your starting on Sunday, so don't forget to drop by to see who it is!


Michelle said...

I just wanted to say Thanks Jen for giving me something to read everyday! :)

Anonymous said...

I second that....I loved reading your journaling..You are Quite a busy lady....Sorry to hear that everyone is getting sick....thats par for this time of year.....Listen sweets...You have a lovely week-end dear....Sending Hugs...