Friday, November 23, 2007


Well first off I need to apologise, as I did not get the time to do the surprise I had intended on doing today. I did sit down here and try to do it but for some reason my computer is working slower than ever (probably time for a good clean out!) and I just didn't have the time to wait so long inbetween every step! Hopefully I will have a better time today and be able to get you your surprise for tomorrow. Tomorrow is my last blog day, can you belive that a whole week already, were has the time gone! It will be Christmas before we know it and my goodness I have so much to get ready before then! If anyone knows of any tricks to add a few extra hours in each day then please let me know!!!! I certainly could do with a few here and there!!! Oh and especially at night, I could do with a magic posion to keep the kids from getting up at the crack of dawn, what am I saying? They are getting up before dawn cracks even!!! What is wrong with them?!!! They have a day off school today, a teacher's day or some such thing, I don't know I think they have far too many days off school!! My hubby is off tomorrow also, I think this is his first day off in about 2 months, the boys are exited to see him again. And I am exited to have some help with the boys for a change!! Well I am going to leave it there for today. I'll try working on that surprise and hopefully have it for you all tomorrow.


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