Today has been another busy day… Lots of errands to run and things to do. I had to make a trip back to the grocery store… All those gingerbread boys that Miranda and I made
yesterday and FINALLY got decorated last night were all ate by the time I got back home from my bus route this morning… So Miranda and I have a fresh supply of ingredients to make MORE gingerbread boys and Miranda said this time she is hiding them from Alex :) She thinks Alex ate all of them :) Kinda cute because I think everyone in the house had their share of little gingerbread boys. (By the way, she was soooo happy when all the little gingerbread boys had eyes)

I had a Dr appt this afternoon. I see my Rheumatologist about once every 8 weeks. About a year ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, and have been taking medication ever since. I do feel much better now than I felt a year ago, but even though I feel better than I did a year ago I am still tired, sore and ill feeling most of the time. I lay down when I have to, go to bed early most of the time, but I still manage to get things done. Anyway, my blood work came back good, my sed rate was higher than normal which means the arthritis is flaring again. The medication I take is supposed to stop any major damage from happening to my hands and feet and so far it has worked fine. The Dr is always fine-tuning it though.
Remember the car my son drove into the ravine? Well yesterday afternoon the tow company got it out of the ravine and towed it home. I now have a totaled car sitting in my yard that cost $215 to tow out of the ravine and get it here. I was all kinds of angry when they told me what it cost. First of all I didn’t want them to get it out. We had already contacted a friend of my husbands that has a towing company and he was going to come out today and get it for us. But the Sheriffs department decided to get their own company to tow it and it cost us mega bucks… I contacted our insurance company last night and sent the bill off to them and am hoping to be reimbursed for at least part of the tow charge.. it never fails to pour when it rains does it?
Well, time for me to head out of here for the night. Little Miss Miranda wants to go in and watch a movie. We got her the movie “Underdog” and she has been waiting patiently for me and hubby to go watch it with her. So now is the time… Before I go I want to thank all of you for leaving such nice comments about my living room :) Have a great night everyone and thanks for stopping by :)
Remember the car my son drove into the ravine? Well yesterday afternoon the tow company got it out of the ravine and towed it home. I now have a totaled car sitting in my yard that cost $215 to tow out of the ravine and get it here. I was all kinds of angry when they told me what it cost. First of all I didn’t want them to get it out. We had already contacted a friend of my husbands that has a towing company and he was going to come out today and get it for us. But the Sheriffs department decided to get their own company to tow it and it cost us mega bucks… I contacted our insurance company last night and sent the bill off to them and am hoping to be reimbursed for at least part of the tow charge.. it never fails to pour when it rains does it?
Well, time for me to head out of here for the night. Little Miss Miranda wants to go in and watch a movie. We got her the movie “Underdog” and she has been waiting patiently for me and hubby to go watch it with her. So now is the time… Before I go I want to thank all of you for leaving such nice comments about my living room :) Have a great night everyone and thanks for stopping by :)
Those gingerbread men look too cute. I forgot to get the Molass at the store last week! Maybe I'll get some before I start my baking! Sorry to hear about the towing charge - thats outrageous, and like you said, never rains, always pours...didnt need that this time of the year! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
As usual youhave been very very busy....Tell your daughter that her cookies look delicious...Have her put one aside for Grammadiane...LOL...And I forgot to comment on your livingroom...It's beautiful dear ...What a big change....If I were you I would tell them to go scratch about that towing bill...You did not authorize the cars removal....It seems there is always a hook to ?? Well gotta run...Got pressies to wrap...We are having our Family christmas Party Saturday...Hugs Hunny Bunny....
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