Saturday, October 27, 2007

Last Day...

This is my last day as being guest blogger and the last day of Fall-O-Ween but it's not the last of all the fun at TSG! There are games to be played, challenges to be met and crops to attend every week! The more you get out and about at TSG the more friends you are going to make and the more you are going to want to get out and about!

I must take a moment to thank our Team for the wonderful job they have done this week. Cheryl and I told them when Fall-O-Ween was going to be and they took it from there.

And what about the Falloween Mega Kit, is this kit the greatest or what! Thanks to the TSG Design Team for creating such a beautiful kit to give to our members.

I also want to thank Keli Carter for all the work she put into Fall-O-Ween behind the scenes. We wouldn't have been able to pull this off without Keli!

Lastly I want to thank YOU for your support of TSG and it's designers! You are the reason I have a site to come to every morning!

We have two great events tonight as Fall-O-Ween winds down. The ACDSee Chat hosted by DigiScrapInfo is at 8pm ET and our Fall-O-Ween Costume Party is at 10pm ET. There are lots of nice prizes that will be given away at each events. And don't forget to get your last piece of the Winters Night Kit by Kristmess and find Baby Boo for one last time.

This might be the end of Fall-O-Ween for this year but....we have Digital Scrapbooking Day coming next Saturday, November 3rd. Keep an eye on the forum for the great events we have planned for you

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Anonymous said...

Hate to see you go Dear but I HAS been Great Fun....I too have sooo enjoyed the Fun Week at TSG....Everyone including you have just really done a great job there and you my Dear have done a great job here also...I know it has been a very busy week for you and let me tell you it is very much appreciated...Muah Dear It truly has been FUN....Hugs Enclosed..Grammadiane

Michelle said...

Thank you for letting us into your life for the week! Falloween has been a total blast!! Thank you to each and every one of you for the hard work and dedication that made it possible!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again!